“Your state was in the room”: Nirmala Sitharaman says

Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman overthrew the glove in Chennai when he asked for GST rates. “Not even a single GST rate was raised,” she said she was directly focused on what she called “False Propaganda”. Although the cuts for basic items are open – “Yes, we can try to reduce them more” – she showed that misinformation would not be unintentional.

And the guilt game? She didn't. “Then, if someone has a complaint and immediately says,” Oh, it's a modi government that has done it ” – then you should ask ministers of finance from your own state:” Did you go and opposed it? Did you object? You have to ask that? ”

Sitharaman responded to the question of events in Chennai about whether the GST rates increased since its implementation. Her response was dull: “Neither raised a single rate.

She acknowledged that some citizens wanted lower GST for everyday requirements and said the government would continue to work in that direction. “If you want it to be further reduced, we will try-especially on objects of daily use of ordinary people,” she said.

However, she took a sharp exception to the online claims to compare rates before and after GST. “I know that many people report contributions to social media comparing tax rates before and after GST. If we look at them carefully, we will understand – this propaganda is false.”

The Minister stressed that the GST decisions are never unilateral. “Every GST decision is made with all ministers. There is a congress. There is a DMK. The Communist Party is there. Telugu Desam was there. Ysrp was there … Even today, members of the Karnataka, Telangana and West Bengal are part of it.”

She said, “Why did they tax coconut oil that poor people need? Why did they give the biscuits?” Why did they tax coconut oil? “That's what people say, she remarked.” Someone or the other says, “They taxed the parle-G that poor people eat with tea.” Who taxed it? ”

She reminded the audience that even though such taxes were collected: “All ministers were sitting together. Just because someone accidentally said that something didn't mean that it was true.”

Her last word: “Even if you give the answer to people with an agenda, they won't be convinced. But we must repeat it: you were part of the GST decision. We were part. They were all part of it. So there was no rate.

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