But Nandy, who has a nine-year-old child, said online platforms had failed to promote the 'widest range' of material. “(It’s) something that affects our family like every family across the country,” she added.
She was guest-edited by actress and Liberal Democrat colleague Baroness Floella Benjamin on BBC Radio 4's Today program on Monday. She has appeared in several children's shows throughout her decades-long entertainment industry career.
Nandy praised British-produced children's TV, saying it “helps educate (children) about the world”, but said online users often don't see it because it isn't promoted on popular websites.
She said the government was ready to support the children's TV industry, which is Britain's “crowning jewel”, but while previous government-led funding schemes had created better quality content, children “weren't necessarily watching it and we don't know if children are watching it.” “I think that’s why,” he said. “I can find it.”
Nandy said the government was seeking voluntary agreements with online platforms, but indicated the government was willing to take further action if agreement was not possible.
She continued: “We would much prefer them to work with us to make it much easier for kids to see and find high-quality content.
“There's something good about YouTube. It's democratic. There are people who can start their careers in their bedrooms. We know that, but there's a balance to be struck here.”
She urged Ofcom to “prioritize children’s television” as part of its review of public broadcasting, due to report in the summer.
Benjamin said “television influences children's thinking and behavior” but warned that the “quality and quantity” of TV was decreasing.
She called for a greater focus on ensuring children have access to appropriate entertainment through her appearance as a contributing editor at Today, and said there was a “crisis” and “turmoil” in the industry as children moved to online platforms.
2024-12-30 11:32:06
YouTube urges promotion of ‘high quality’ children’s programming